These Terms and Conditions concern only those who are registered as members of NOSTER and those who register as guest users.

Registration of new members (Junior/Senior Membership Registration Forms)

1. MA students (in a two-year ReMA or in the research track of a three-year MA programme that encompasses at least 45 EC of research modules and thesis writing), PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers as well as assistant, associate, extraordinary and full professors working at an institution participating in NOSTER can become a member of NOSTER.

2. (Re)MA students and PhD students should not register themselves but are registered by an official of their institution (e.g., the coordinator of their graduate school, the director or coordinator of their research institute or the executive secretary of their university). By filling out the Membership Registration Form, this official
a. confirms that the person they are registering has requested them to do so;
b. confirms that their institution will pay €500 for the membership of an MA student following a three-year MA programme and €1,000 for the membership of a (regular) PhD candidate (no membership fee is required for ReMA students, external PhD candidates [in 2023-2025], postdoctoral researchers or assistant, associate, extraordinary and full professors).
Immediately after this official has submitted a registration, the new member receives an automated e-mail at the address provided, in which they are informed about this registration and the Privacy Statement.

3. The membership of (Re)MA students and PhD candidates ends after their graduation, whereas the membership of postdoctoral researchers and assistant, associate, extraordinary and full professors ends when their contract has ended. However, NOSTER is not automatically informed about this by the institutions. Therefore, NOSTER encourages members to notify the NOSTER office directly about these changes. Moreover, NOSTER annually sends a list of all members per institution to check who has graduated or whose contract has ended.

4. Members can also request to end their registration earlier. However, (Re)MA students and PhD candidates should bear in mind that after their membership has ended, NOSTER can no longer create a Record of Courses for them.

5. When a member’s behaviour is seriously and/or structurally at odds with the Statement on Social Safety and Professional Conduct (see this page), the Academic Director of NOSTER reserves the right to deny the member access to NOSTER events or even to terminate their membership. This member can lodge an appeal with the Board (Schoolbestuur), which will hear both this member and the Academic Director before making a final decision within six weeks; in the meantime, this member cannot attend NOSTER events.

6. NOSTER reserves the right to terminate the membership of external PhD candidates if they do not remain in good academic standing (either at their institution or in terms of their participation in NOSTER modules). In such cases, a prorated membership fee refund will be applied upon written request by the participating institution.

Registration of guest users (Guest Registration Form)

1. ReMA students and PhD candidates who cannot or do not want to become a member of NOSTER but still want to participate in one or more modules at NOSTER can become guest users by registering themselves through the Guest Registration Form.

2. The guest user registration ends after their graduation. However, NOSTER is not automatically informed about this by the institutions. Therefore, NOSTER encourages guest users to notify the NOSTER office directly about their graduation.

3. Guest users can also request to end their registration earlier, but they should bear in mind that after their registration has ended, NOSTER can no longer create a Record of Courses for them.

4. When a guest user’s behaviour is seriously and/or structurally at odds with the Statement on Social Safety and Professional Conduct (see this page), the Academic Director of NOSTER reserves the right to deny the member access to NOSTER events. This guest user can lodge an appeal with the Board (Schoolbestuur), which will hear both this member and the Academic Director before making a final decision within six weeks; in the meantime, this guest user cannot attend NOSTER events.