NOSTER Conference Travel Grants

NOSTER offers small conference travel grants (up to €500) to enable early career scholars to participate and present at academic conferences.  Theses grants are intended for junior NOSTER members (ReMA students and PhD candidates) and senior NOSTER members with a temporary position who earned their doctorates no earlier than 2020.

You can apply for funding to support participation in any academic conference, including the NOSTER Grand Course with Vereniging voor Theologie in Leuven, 8-10 January 2025 and the NOSTER Grand Course with Nederlands Genootschap voor Godsdienstwetenschap in Utrecht, 5-7 November 2025 (participation in the Grand Courses itself is free of charge, you can use the travel grant to cover accommodation costs).

Application deadline: 1 October 2024. Decisions will be made by 1 November 2024 and will take into account various factors including demonstrated need, availability of funding and the distribution of grants among NOSTER’s partner institutions. NOSTER reserves the right to award a smaller amount than requested. Any funding decision is final and not subject to appeal.

Click here to apply.