NOSTER Meeting on Research Funding, 4 October 2024

A widely shared impression among scholars in our field is that the success rates of research funding applications are relatively low for theology and religious studies compared to other disciplines within the humanities and the social sciences. Is this impression correct? And what can we do to improve this? These questions will be discussed at a meeting for NOSTER senior members on Friday 4 October in the afternoon in Utrecht. Successful applicants, members of assessment committees, local grant officers and NWO SSH board members will share their views and experiences, and make recommendations. Informed by their input, we aim to have a plenary discussion on improving our disciplines’ position within the humanities and the social sciences. In addition, we hope this meeting will also inspire and facilitate researchers who are currently working or plan to start working on a research funding proposal. Please note that the programme will be in Dutch. You can find the programme here and register through this form before 26 September.